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Pablo Benitez

Pablo Benitez


16 Sep, 2021·WhenThen ·Our People

Meet Pablo, Backend Developer at WhenThen!

Pablo's interest in becoming a Web Developer came about because of his curious nature, he wanted a profession where he would to be constantly learning and exploring new concepts and ideas.

I studied Computer Sciences at University of Seville. My professional career started in Madrid where I worked as a software developer in a consulting company. After 4 years in Madrid, I took a challenging decision to move to another country, Ireland, and I started working in an IT Retail company, more specifically in the payments team.

In my spare time I love playing Flamenco guitar and travelling.

I love having the ability to work remotely coupled with using the latest technology and solving problems and these elements are an integral part of my role with WhenThen.

In the last number of weeks since joining WhenThen the one thing that has become apparent is that we need to automate as much as we can. It makes our lives so much simpler ultimately. I'm truly delighted to be part of such a diverse and growing team.


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