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Advanced setup

Capture Transaction Immediately

Our standard Payment Orchestration and Capture automations are your vanilla, standard payment option set that you're probably used to.

Our Capture Immediate template instructs your provider to capture the funds immediately after successful authorization, closing the sale in near real-time.

The counterpart of this is to decouple auth and capture which allows you to confirm and lock in the available funds at the time of purchase, but only capture once you're confident you can fulfil the transaction. Merchants use this automation to do things like check on inventory, wait for customer signature, or wait for the delivery of goods and services before closing the transaction. If you think that decoupling auth and capture is the best option for you, try our ‘capture transaction based on Webhook' automation template.

While these templates are a great starting point for your e-commerce payment flow, there is so much value to unlock for you and your customers by adding rules, conditions and actions to your payment flow.

Check out WhenThen's automation templates to see all the ways you can enhance your payment operations.

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