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Notify internal users about newly opened disputes

Despite our best efforts to minimize fraud, transaction disputes are a fact of life. Disputes occur when a user contacts their issuing bank to contest the transaction made with you. Typical reasons for a dispute may include:

  • product is not as described
  • user does not remember the charges
  • user claims someone else authorized the charge
  • the charge is duplicated or for an incorrect amount

When a transaction is disputed, the users' issuing bank (the bank that gave the customer their card) may send a dispute claim to your bank and payment processor. In this case, you as the merchant typically have seven days to challenge the claim.

We built this automation to inform you as soon as your Payment Service Provider registers the dispute. This allows you to:

  • Maximise your time to investigate and collect evidence to defend against the claim
  • Give you an opportunity to reach out to the customer to clarify the charge and reach an amicable agreement
  • Be able to provide a more responsive dispute experience to your customers, who you want to retain and ultimately keep happy

You can see the status of all transactions including disputed ones in your Payments table on WhenThen’s platform.

Reach out to our team today and see this automation in action!

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