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Advanced setup

Authorize and hold high-risk transactions to reduce fraud risk and refund costs

Reduce Fraud False Positives

False-positive fraud cases means you could be declining legitimate transactions and costing your business money. Using a Fraud Service Provider can help identify high risk transactions and using this recipe, we can take a risk adjusted approach to only authorize higher risk transactions instead of declining them outright, while allowing low risk transactions to capture. This recipe gives you time to validate the transaction with the customer, and settle funds only after you have confidence it’s a good sale. This will help you save more sales while reducing friction in your customer checkout experience.

You can use Sift and Signifyd fraud nodes to identify the fraud score of each transactions and make a more security informed payment flow - all with a single recipe that you can configure in minutes.

Reach out to our team today to see how much overhead and money you can save with this recipe.

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