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Advanced setup

Send customer message in real time when payment declines

A new way to engage with your users at checkout

You spend an incredible effort and resources to get your users to your store and to checkout, it’s a shame and a financial loss when they aren’t able to successfully complete the transaction after they’ve expressed an intent to buy from you.

Usually, your checkout is a static form, but with this recipe and help from our friends at Intercom, you can open up an entirely different engage modality with your users during their checkout to offer help and support to get them to complete their purchase. In this case, when we detect a declined transaction because of insufficient funds (or any other payment response from your PSP), we can provide specific and useful messaging like suggesting Alternative Payment Methods or using another card.

This automation is easy to set up and ready to run in minutes so you can start saving more sales and increase conversion for your store.

Talk to our team today to see this automation in action.

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